David ruled inside what today is known as Israel (excluding Gaza), Jordan, lebanon, and parts of Syria.
Sollomon ruled a similar territory and had immense exchanging courses of action with numerous nations including china.
There is critical proof of this, not minimum of which are the stone bulletins on graves in china hireling of Sollomon Son of David inside the detached group of Jews in China who went there amid Sollomon's lifetime
A few people here, because of predisposition have expressed that they are mythos.
Anyway that is specific archaic exploration since all say of their reality from Jewish or Israeli sources are reduced as legends.
That is on the grounds that the very say of David Sollomon, or any scriptural person(s) prohibits it as confirmation inside such a system. This is genuine despite the fact that there exists a Jerusalem, City of David, Beit Lehem, different graves of prophets, the mass of Hezekiah and so forth..
The story of King David and Sollomon being legends is a hostile to semitic creation and is sustained for the most part by the individuals who don't need it to be some other way.
They don't search out the appropriate response in their examination, but instead they just look for what fits with their self-made story.
This blog is an entertainment and news site operated by a group called ENTITY. We hope we are able to make put a smile on your face everytime you visit here. Thanks, we love you 😍
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
5 things you may not know about guardian Angels
Pulse Religion answers these inquiries with this rundown of five things you likely don't think about these celestial creatures.
1. They are genuine and everybody has one
The Bible offers verification of the presence of watchman holy messengers in Matthew 18:10. Jesus says, "See that you don't look down on any of these little ones. For I disclose to you that their blessed messengers in paradise dependably observe the substance of my Father in paradise."
Numerous divisions including the Roman Catholic church show that watchman holy messengers are appointed to each person.
"Close to every adherent stands an Angel as defender and shepherd, driving him to life." — St. Basil the Great
2. They have distinctive appearances
Blessed messengers are unadulterated spirits which implies they don't have real bodies. Be that as it may, they will have diverse structures in view of the need. Their appearance relies upon who or where they should be.
3. They can speak with people
Diverse individuals have different sentiments on how gatekeeper holy messengers can speak with us through considerations, pictures, and emotions.
Robert Graham, in his article "Holy messenger Talk: Are You Listening", expresses, "On the off chance that you need a reasonable and compact message from your blessed messenger, you should make an immediate inquiry.
"Your holy messenger will dependably answer your inquiries. You should make your inquiry so anyone can hear. Clear, compact inquiries will get you clear, succinct answers.
"Answers will dependably be unmistakable and express, something you can put your hands on. The appropriate responses I've gotten I could get and look at. Making a unimportant inquiry will find you a senseless solution. The universe will coordinate your level of genuineness."
4. They need to encourage individuals
Hymn 91:11– 12 says, "For He might give His heavenly attendants charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their grasp, they should bear you up, for fear that you dash your foot against a stone."
In an article titled "Calling All Angels" on Beliefnet, Doreen Virtue composes that watchman heavenly attendants are continually ready to encourage us. Be that as it may, we must be available to their help.
"To request radiant help, you needn't lead a formal summon function," Virtue says.
She recommends composing a letter to your gatekeeper holy messenger, talking noisily, calling them rationally or picturing them in your mind's eye.It is essential to realize that their assistance is constantly adjusted to God's won't what we need.
This is found in Exodus 23:20 which peruses: "See, I am sending a heavenly attendant in front of you to protect you en route and to convey you to the place I have arranged."
Meaning of the medical symbol
There are two versions :
One is of a solitary snake wrapped around a staff, called the Rod of Asclepius and is really the right image of medicine :
The other is of two wound interweaved on a solitary staff. Called the Caduceus. It is frequently mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine rather than the Rod of Asclepius, particularly in the United States. This is really utilized as the image of business.
The two poles are the two trees of Eden. The one serpent is the savior as the copper serpent. The alleged bar of asclepius. Two serpent caducius of Hermes Khumri Omri/Mercury/Mar Khumri. The Deus in the wands name alludes to (Chi)Zeus.
Monday, May 28, 2018
7 Brainteasers that can help increase the ability of getting things fast
Do you generally need to search for your keys or telephone, or perhaps you couldn't locate your second sock today? We can encourage you. These brainteasers where lost things require finding will prepare both your mind and your vision. There will be nothing lost in your home once more.
We have assembled the most intriguing brainteasing practices for you that will enable you to discover things notwithstanding when they don't appear to exist at first look.
1. Where is the farmer's better half?
The agriculturist is extremely disturbed in light of the fact that he can't discover his significant other. Help him discover her. The man feels that she's some place around.
2. An executioner on a stakeout
The guardian of one man from the gathering of refined men out of sight is stowing away. Discover him, no one but he can spare his manager.
3. Search for the astronomer
The space expert left without saying farewell. The youngsters are certain that he's still inside the room. Help them to discover him, no one but he can comprehend the secret of the Big Dipper.
4. Help the geese
A shrewd fox sneaked into the homestead and started to murder geese pitilessly. In any case, it doesn't realize that there's a pet hotel here only for this reason. Help to spare the geese and locate the person who will influence the predator to leave.
5. Threat for the hunter
When chasing moose, Steven doesn't speculate that there is peril sitting tight for him. Discover this danger and spare the hunter.
6. Death of the goose
While on a walk, these geese don't presume what may transpire the precise one minute from now. Rush to discover the danger and spare the poor flying creatures.
7. What do we have for supper?
The gourmet specialist can't recollect where he put the meat he should cook for supper. Locate the creature that will be served for supper as the main dish.
We have assembled the most intriguing brainteasing practices for you that will enable you to discover things notwithstanding when they don't appear to exist at first look.
1. Where is the farmer's better half?
The agriculturist is extremely disturbed in light of the fact that he can't discover his significant other. Help him discover her. The man feels that she's some place around.
2. An executioner on a stakeout
The guardian of one man from the gathering of refined men out of sight is stowing away. Discover him, no one but he can spare his manager.
3. Search for the astronomer
The space expert left without saying farewell. The youngsters are certain that he's still inside the room. Help them to discover him, no one but he can comprehend the secret of the Big Dipper.
4. Help the geese
A shrewd fox sneaked into the homestead and started to murder geese pitilessly. In any case, it doesn't realize that there's a pet hotel here only for this reason. Help to spare the geese and locate the person who will influence the predator to leave.
5. Threat for the hunter
When chasing moose, Steven doesn't speculate that there is peril sitting tight for him. Discover this danger and spare the hunter.
6. Death of the goose
While on a walk, these geese don't presume what may transpire the precise one minute from now. Rush to discover the danger and spare the poor flying creatures.
7. What do we have for supper?
The gourmet specialist can't recollect where he put the meat he should cook for supper. Locate the creature that will be served for supper as the main dish.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Wawu! 8 scientific traits of high intelligence (IQ). Number 1&4 will shock you
Intelligence can mean diverse things to various individuals, yet by and large, it's idea as being able to see data, having the limit with respect to rationale, understanding, mindfulness, inventiveness, and having the capacity to learn issue settle.
When you're exceptionally savvy, you're thought of as having a major mind or being extremely brilliant, and individuals accept you more likely than not been very instructed. We think individuals are exceptionally shrewd on the off chance that they can do troublesome math issues in their mind or make machines to spare the world.
In any case, a portion of the qualities of high insight aren't by and large connected with having a high astuteness. Here are 8 indications of high insight you may not think about.
1. Dysfunctional behavior( mental illness )
In the film (which depends on a genuine story)
A Beautiful Mind , the lead character, John Nash, is a splendid mathematician managing schizophrenia . The connection between psychological maladjustment and knowledge is very disputable, yet the absolute most skilled personalities ever — like Edgar Allan Poe , Jackson Pollock , and
Amy Winehouse — were all bipolar.
The particular purpose behind this connection isn't clear, yet an examination found that a specific protein related with memory and interest in mice was likewise connected with bipolar turmoil and schizophrenia in people. Another
think about recommended that the capacity expected to make sense of complex math conditions and process data rapidly may likewise put individuals in danger for craziness.
2. Swearing
In the event that somebody is cussing you out, it may not feel as though they're super-insightful, but rather science says something else. In an investigation distributed in Language Studies found that individuals who swear have bigger vocabularies (an attribute related with high knowledge) than the individuals who don't.
3. Risk taking
A current report finished in Finland found that people who are available to new difficulties and who aren't reluctant to go out on a limb
have a tendency to be more keen. The examination utilized a driving reproduction, and they found that members who settled on more hazardous choices amid the test had more white cerebrum matter — a zone of the mind related with intellectual capacity.
4. laziness
An investigation from Florida Gulf Coast University found that more quick witted individuals are lazier in light of the fact that they have long abilities to focus. Huge brained individuals don't need to continually be accomplishing something; they can sit and think as their cerebrum gets considerably bigger.
5. Birth order
Everybody realizes that the oldest youngster in a
family has a tendency to be an overachiever since they got the most consideration from their folks. One investigation found that oldest youngsters have a tendency to have more standards to take after and more serious parental supervision, particularly where homework and grades are concerned.
6. Uneasiness (anxiety)
An investigation at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York found that individuals with tension had higher I.Q.s than the individuals who didn't experience the ill effects of uneasiness . It bodes well in the event that you experience the ill effects of nervousness . You're continually stressing and brainstorming different results for circumstances, and take a gander at things from the past that could impact different circumstances. These individuals are great at critical thinking, basic reasoning, and conceptual thinking.
7. Being a feline darling (cat lover)
Analysts from Carroll University dissected 600 understudy members and found that feline darlings scored higher on knowledge tests than puppy sweethearts. Take that, haters.
8. Being a nonbeliever
An audit of 35 logical investigations found that individuals who hold a more naturalistic perspective of the world by and large have a tendency to be more shrewd than individuals who are religious .
Likewise with any examination, you can discover what you need and dispose of the rest. Discover the proof that influences you to rest easy and commendable — that is the thing that somebody with high knowledge would do.
If you'll want me to share a video that'll explain better. Comment below.
When you're exceptionally savvy, you're thought of as having a major mind or being extremely brilliant, and individuals accept you more likely than not been very instructed. We think individuals are exceptionally shrewd on the off chance that they can do troublesome math issues in their mind or make machines to spare the world.
In any case, a portion of the qualities of high insight aren't by and large connected with having a high astuteness. Here are 8 indications of high insight you may not think about.
1. Dysfunctional behavior( mental illness )
In the film (which depends on a genuine story)
A Beautiful Mind , the lead character, John Nash, is a splendid mathematician managing schizophrenia . The connection between psychological maladjustment and knowledge is very disputable, yet the absolute most skilled personalities ever — like Edgar Allan Poe , Jackson Pollock , and
Amy Winehouse — were all bipolar.
The particular purpose behind this connection isn't clear, yet an examination found that a specific protein related with memory and interest in mice was likewise connected with bipolar turmoil and schizophrenia in people. Another
think about recommended that the capacity expected to make sense of complex math conditions and process data rapidly may likewise put individuals in danger for craziness.
2. Swearing
In the event that somebody is cussing you out, it may not feel as though they're super-insightful, but rather science says something else. In an investigation distributed in Language Studies found that individuals who swear have bigger vocabularies (an attribute related with high knowledge) than the individuals who don't.
3. Risk taking
A current report finished in Finland found that people who are available to new difficulties and who aren't reluctant to go out on a limb
have a tendency to be more keen. The examination utilized a driving reproduction, and they found that members who settled on more hazardous choices amid the test had more white cerebrum matter — a zone of the mind related with intellectual capacity.
4. laziness
An investigation from Florida Gulf Coast University found that more quick witted individuals are lazier in light of the fact that they have long abilities to focus. Huge brained individuals don't need to continually be accomplishing something; they can sit and think as their cerebrum gets considerably bigger.
5. Birth order
Everybody realizes that the oldest youngster in a
family has a tendency to be an overachiever since they got the most consideration from their folks. One investigation found that oldest youngsters have a tendency to have more standards to take after and more serious parental supervision, particularly where homework and grades are concerned.
6. Uneasiness (anxiety)
An investigation at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York found that individuals with tension had higher I.Q.s than the individuals who didn't experience the ill effects of uneasiness . It bodes well in the event that you experience the ill effects of nervousness . You're continually stressing and brainstorming different results for circumstances, and take a gander at things from the past that could impact different circumstances. These individuals are great at critical thinking, basic reasoning, and conceptual thinking.
7. Being a feline darling (cat lover)
Analysts from Carroll University dissected 600 understudy members and found that feline darlings scored higher on knowledge tests than puppy sweethearts. Take that, haters.
8. Being a nonbeliever
An audit of 35 logical investigations found that individuals who hold a more naturalistic perspective of the world by and large have a tendency to be more shrewd than individuals who are religious .
Likewise with any examination, you can discover what you need and dispose of the rest. Discover the proof that influences you to rest easy and commendable — that is the thing that somebody with high knowledge would do.
If you'll want me to share a video that'll explain better. Comment below.
Five mysteries of Jesus hidden in the Old Testament
The Old Testament has hidden images of Jesus Christ. He didn't just show up for the very first time when he was born in the manger. He has been from the beginning of the Bible. Here are some of his pictures we can see from the Old Testament :
1. At creation: When we think about the record of creation, we tend to consider just God the Father. However when God is going to make man, He pronounces, "Let us make man in our picture, after our similarity" (Gen.1:26a). Who is incorporated into "our"? John, the Gospel essayist, gives us the appropriate response: "in the first place was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was first and foremost with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made" (John 1:1-3). We realize that "The Word" is Jesus, who "moved toward becoming fragile living creature and stayed among us"(John 1:14b)
2. With Abraham: In Genesis 14, Abraham had quite recently prevailing in fight when he was welcomed by Melchizedek, the lord of Salem, who had a couple of fascinating attributes. As a matter of first importance, he was both a cleric of the God Most High and a ruler—unbelievable anyplace else in the Old Testament. His name signifies "lord of exemplary nature." He was from Salem, which signifies "peace." at the end of the day, he was a ruler of nobility and peace. He conveyed to Abraham bread and wine, and he favored Abraham. Abraham felt constrained to give him a tithe. Does this help you to remember any other individual? Jesus is both King and Priest. Jesus is the King of uprightness and the Prince of Peace. Jesus fellowshipped and wine with His pupils to help them to remember His body and blood which would be yielded for them. Jesus offers endowments to the individuals who accept, and is distant from everyone else deserving of our love and our tithes. While researchers have talked about whether Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate Christ, at any rate, we can concur that He was a "sort," or picture, of Christ.
3. In prophetic words: Isaiah talks about the Messiah's introduction to the world of a virgin, and that He would be both man and God: "For to us a tyke is conceived, unto us a child is given, and the administration might be upon his shoulder. Also, his name should be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace" (Isa. 9:6). How might one conceived, additionally be Mighty God? Isaiah was obviously alluding to Jesus. Micah reveals to us that He would be conceived in Bethlehem. Beginning and Numbers give His genealogy. Different prophets portray His treachery, His abuse, and His main goal to spare us from our wrongdoings. The Old Testament incorporates numerous predictions of Jesus—recorded hundreds, and sometimes, a huge number of years before His real birth. These predictions all give pictures of Him before He was conceived of a virgin, in Bethlehem, and of the estimated heredity.
4. In the red hot heater: Daniel 3 delineates a standout amongst the most energizing pictures in the Old Testament. Three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, were tossed into a heater of flame since they would not adore the lord of Babylon and his venerated images. Ruler Nebuchadnezzar was dumbfounded that his own particular men, who had put this trio in the heater, died in the fire, and asked the end result for the three guilty parties. "He proclaimed to his guides, "Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?" They addressed and said to the ruler, "Genuine, O lord." He addressed and stated, "However I see four men unbound, strolling amidst the fire, and they are not harmed; and the presence of the fourth resembles a child of the divine beings" (Dan. 3:24-25). Who was the fourth man? For what reason did He resemble a child of divine beings? Might He be able to have been Christ?
5. As "the" Angel of the Lord: The Old Testament says the article "the" few times, previously "holy messenger of the Lord." Is it conceivable that this heavenly attendant was the pre-incarnate Christ? In each example where "the heavenly attendant of the Lord" shows up, He talks with the specialist of God, and the audience expect His eternality. For example, "the holy messenger of the Lord" appeared to an Egyptian slave young lady in Genesis 16:2; to Abraham in Genesis 22:11; to Moses in Exodus 3:2. Moses likewise "shrouded his face, for he was reluctant to take a gander at God." (Ex. 3:6c) We may never know this side of paradise if "the blessed messenger" was the triune Person of the Godhead, Christ, however it positively appears to be conceivable. All things considered, Jesus Himself stated, "Really, genuinely, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM" (John 8:58).
The Old Testament incorporates numerous more outlines, sorts and foreshadowings of Christ, yet they are not concealed pictures. Also, similarly as youngsters can't "un-see" the shrouded pictures in the Highlights issues once they discover them, we can't "un-see" Jesus once we discover His pictures in the Old Testament. By what means will we react? Will we purposely return to visual deficiency or open our eyes to the immensity of God's blessing to us? I trust that for those with eyes to see, the Old Testament outlines are there to guarantee us of the eternality of Christ. He is One with God. God uncovers to us that Jesus has been there from the earliest starting point, and we would thus be able to have the expectation and confirmation that He will be with us generally to the finish of the age. He is for sure, "the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last" (Rev. 22:12-13), "Jesus Christ is a similar yesterday, and today, and always" (Heb. 13:8).
1. At creation: When we think about the record of creation, we tend to consider just God the Father. However when God is going to make man, He pronounces, "Let us make man in our picture, after our similarity" (Gen.1:26a). Who is incorporated into "our"? John, the Gospel essayist, gives us the appropriate response: "in the first place was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was first and foremost with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made" (John 1:1-3). We realize that "The Word" is Jesus, who "moved toward becoming fragile living creature and stayed among us"(John 1:14b)
2. With Abraham: In Genesis 14, Abraham had quite recently prevailing in fight when he was welcomed by Melchizedek, the lord of Salem, who had a couple of fascinating attributes. As a matter of first importance, he was both a cleric of the God Most High and a ruler—unbelievable anyplace else in the Old Testament. His name signifies "lord of exemplary nature." He was from Salem, which signifies "peace." at the end of the day, he was a ruler of nobility and peace. He conveyed to Abraham bread and wine, and he favored Abraham. Abraham felt constrained to give him a tithe. Does this help you to remember any other individual? Jesus is both King and Priest. Jesus is the King of uprightness and the Prince of Peace. Jesus fellowshipped and wine with His pupils to help them to remember His body and blood which would be yielded for them. Jesus offers endowments to the individuals who accept, and is distant from everyone else deserving of our love and our tithes. While researchers have talked about whether Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate Christ, at any rate, we can concur that He was a "sort," or picture, of Christ.
3. In prophetic words: Isaiah talks about the Messiah's introduction to the world of a virgin, and that He would be both man and God: "For to us a tyke is conceived, unto us a child is given, and the administration might be upon his shoulder. Also, his name should be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace" (Isa. 9:6). How might one conceived, additionally be Mighty God? Isaiah was obviously alluding to Jesus. Micah reveals to us that He would be conceived in Bethlehem. Beginning and Numbers give His genealogy. Different prophets portray His treachery, His abuse, and His main goal to spare us from our wrongdoings. The Old Testament incorporates numerous predictions of Jesus—recorded hundreds, and sometimes, a huge number of years before His real birth. These predictions all give pictures of Him before He was conceived of a virgin, in Bethlehem, and of the estimated heredity.
4. In the red hot heater: Daniel 3 delineates a standout amongst the most energizing pictures in the Old Testament. Three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, were tossed into a heater of flame since they would not adore the lord of Babylon and his venerated images. Ruler Nebuchadnezzar was dumbfounded that his own particular men, who had put this trio in the heater, died in the fire, and asked the end result for the three guilty parties. "He proclaimed to his guides, "Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?" They addressed and said to the ruler, "Genuine, O lord." He addressed and stated, "However I see four men unbound, strolling amidst the fire, and they are not harmed; and the presence of the fourth resembles a child of the divine beings" (Dan. 3:24-25). Who was the fourth man? For what reason did He resemble a child of divine beings? Might He be able to have been Christ?
5. As "the" Angel of the Lord: The Old Testament says the article "the" few times, previously "holy messenger of the Lord." Is it conceivable that this heavenly attendant was the pre-incarnate Christ? In each example where "the heavenly attendant of the Lord" shows up, He talks with the specialist of God, and the audience expect His eternality. For example, "the holy messenger of the Lord" appeared to an Egyptian slave young lady in Genesis 16:2; to Abraham in Genesis 22:11; to Moses in Exodus 3:2. Moses likewise "shrouded his face, for he was reluctant to take a gander at God." (Ex. 3:6c) We may never know this side of paradise if "the blessed messenger" was the triune Person of the Godhead, Christ, however it positively appears to be conceivable. All things considered, Jesus Himself stated, "Really, genuinely, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM" (John 8:58).
The Old Testament incorporates numerous more outlines, sorts and foreshadowings of Christ, yet they are not concealed pictures. Also, similarly as youngsters can't "un-see" the shrouded pictures in the Highlights issues once they discover them, we can't "un-see" Jesus once we discover His pictures in the Old Testament. By what means will we react? Will we purposely return to visual deficiency or open our eyes to the immensity of God's blessing to us? I trust that for those with eyes to see, the Old Testament outlines are there to guarantee us of the eternality of Christ. He is One with God. God uncovers to us that Jesus has been there from the earliest starting point, and we would thus be able to have the expectation and confirmation that He will be with us generally to the finish of the age. He is for sure, "the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last" (Rev. 22:12-13), "Jesus Christ is a similar yesterday, and today, and always" (Heb. 13:8).
What books where removed from the Bible? Why? In what order might they have been? Let's see
Every single English interpretation of the Bible imprinted in the sixteenth century incorporated a segment or supplement for Apocryphal books. Matthew's Bible, distributed in 1537, contains all the Apocrypha of the later King James Version 1611, in a between testamental area.
The 1538 Myles Coverdale Bible contained an Apocrypha that avoided Baruch and the Prayer of Manasseh. The 1560 Geneva Bible put the Prayer of Manasseh after 2 Chronicles; whatever is left of the Apocrypha were set in a between testamental area.
The Douay-Rheims Bible (1582– 1609) put the Prayer of Manasseh and 3 and 4 Esdras into an Appendix of the second volume of the Old Testament.
The unauthenticated written work was a piece of the KJV for a long time until being evacuated in 1885 A.D
These books are pseudepigrapha, a book written in a scriptural style and credited to a writer who did not compose it. They are excluded in the Bible either.
24.8k Views · View Upvoters Updated Nov 22 2017 · Author has
373 answers and 219.6k answer sees Tony Mariot, Freelance Research Writer Biblical Antiquity at University of Oxford (2009-show)
1 Esdras (Vulgate 3 Esdras)
2 Esdras (Vulgate 4 Esdras)
Judith (" Judeth " in Geneva)
Rest of Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4 – 16:24)
Ecclesiasticus (otherwise called Sirach)
Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremy (" Jeremiah " in Geneva) (all piece of Vulgate Baruch)
Tune of the Three Children (Vulgate Daniel 3:24– 90)
Story of Susanna (Vulgate Daniel 13)
The Idol Bel and the Dragon (Vulgate Daniel 14)
Petition of Manasses (Daniel)
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees
End of the world of Abraham
End of the world of Moses
Letter of Aristeas
Affliction and Ascension of Isaiah
Joseph and Aseneth
Life of Adam and Eve
Lives of the Prophets
Stepping stool of Jacob
Jannes and Jambres
History of the Captivity in Babylon
History of the Rechabites
Eldad and Modad
History of Joseph
Tributes of Solomon
Supplication of Joseph
Supplication of Jacob
Vision of Ezra
The 1538 Myles Coverdale Bible contained an Apocrypha that avoided Baruch and the Prayer of Manasseh. The 1560 Geneva Bible put the Prayer of Manasseh after 2 Chronicles; whatever is left of the Apocrypha were set in a between testamental area.
The Douay-Rheims Bible (1582– 1609) put the Prayer of Manasseh and 3 and 4 Esdras into an Appendix of the second volume of the Old Testament.
The unauthenticated written work was a piece of the KJV for a long time until being evacuated in 1885 A.D
These books are pseudepigrapha, a book written in a scriptural style and credited to a writer who did not compose it. They are excluded in the Bible either.
24.8k Views · View Upvoters Updated Nov 22 2017 · Author has
373 answers and 219.6k answer sees Tony Mariot, Freelance Research Writer Biblical Antiquity at University of Oxford (2009-show)
1 Esdras (Vulgate 3 Esdras)
2 Esdras (Vulgate 4 Esdras)
Judith (" Judeth " in Geneva)
Rest of Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4 – 16:24)
Ecclesiasticus (otherwise called Sirach)
Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremy (" Jeremiah " in Geneva) (all piece of Vulgate Baruch)
Tune of the Three Children (Vulgate Daniel 3:24– 90)
Story of Susanna (Vulgate Daniel 13)
The Idol Bel and the Dragon (Vulgate Daniel 14)
Petition of Manasses (Daniel)
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees
End of the world of Abraham
End of the world of Moses
Letter of Aristeas
Affliction and Ascension of Isaiah
Joseph and Aseneth
Life of Adam and Eve
Lives of the Prophets
Stepping stool of Jacob
Jannes and Jambres
History of the Captivity in Babylon
History of the Rechabites
Eldad and Modad
History of Joseph
Tributes of Solomon
Supplication of Joseph
Supplication of Jacob
Vision of Ezra
Friday, May 25, 2018
What fruit did Adam and Eve eat? Apple?
The common fruit we interpret it to be is apple
While some others say it is pomegranate but the Midrash said it might be Olive
Or probably grapes
No one can tell what kind of fruit it “really” was. Or maybe, that fruit doesn’t exist anymore. Or an allegory to interpret a hidden meaning.
The Bible did not tell us what type of fruit it was and it does not really matter.
But let us see it this way, if the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, patience, joy and many more. Therefore the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil might be something like pleasure, lust, who knows ?
An Evangelist used his will to preach at the point of his death (99 years of age)
Billy Graham's has left a message for us all when he was about to die. He died at the age of 99. He has left behind a document in which he urged us to read the scripture daily and follow the LORD Jesus Christ only.
Billy Graham demonstrates that demise is no obstruction by utilizing his will to lecture his last effective sermon.
The 16-page record of the well known American evangelist, who passed on at age 99 in February, has been documented openly.
In it, Graham notes, "When you read this I will be securely with Jesus in Paradise." Then, he does what he was best known for, evangelizing.
"I encourage all who might read this record to peruse and consider the Scriptures every day and to trust just in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation," he composes.
To his family, he says, "I ask my kids and grandkids to keep up and shield at all dangers at any cost of a disregard for one's own needs the favored regulation of finish Atonement for wrongdoing through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ once offered, and through that by itself. I ask every one of you to stroll with the Lord in an existence of partition from the world and to keep everlasting qualities in see."
Graham's will goes ahead to talk about material things saying, "We have attempted to utilize our material endowments for the brilliance of God. However I should admit that we were constantly looked with a specific predicament concerning how high a way of life to keep up as workers of the Lord. We feel that we have kept up a legitimate adjust throughout the years.
"Regardless of whether I have taken care of things appropriately or not, we should anticipate the judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ when all things will be uncovered. I have done my best before the Lord and I believe in every one of you that you will consider that you are just trustees of what I have cleared out."
He shuts this part with a direction for 10% of what is left in his domain to "go the Lord's work."
Church Leaders reports that he additionally sets aside some opportunity to discuss his better half, Ruth.
"Due to Christ, your mom and I delighted in a magnificent, exciting, and upbeat coexistence. I need to express gratitude toward her for her times of dedication, love, dependability, and forfeit. Of the considerable number of individuals I have ever known, she was the best Christian," he announces.
The mainstream evangelist passed away calmly on February 21, 2018.
As indicated by Mark DeMoss, a representative for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, "It was portrayed by medical caretaker and specialist as an extremely quiet passing. He was in no agony, and he wouldn't have endured any."
His own doctor, Lucian Rice of Asheville includes that "he just destroyed," in the wake of agony from vision, hearing misfortune, Parkinson's-like side effects analyzed about 20 years prior.
He was grieved by everybody including US presidents from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump. His entombment on March 2, drew enormous group from everywhere.
Graham's passing brought about an admission from Benny Hinn, who confessed to running too far with thriving gospel.
He is made due by his previous life partner, Ruth Graham, youngsters named Franklin Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, Gigi Graham, Ned Graham, Ruth Graham, and heaps of grandkids.
Billy Graham demonstrates that demise is no obstruction by utilizing his will to lecture his last effective sermon.
The 16-page record of the well known American evangelist, who passed on at age 99 in February, has been documented openly.
In it, Graham notes, "When you read this I will be securely with Jesus in Paradise." Then, he does what he was best known for, evangelizing.
"I encourage all who might read this record to peruse and consider the Scriptures every day and to trust just in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation," he composes.
To his family, he says, "I ask my kids and grandkids to keep up and shield at all dangers at any cost of a disregard for one's own needs the favored regulation of finish Atonement for wrongdoing through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ once offered, and through that by itself. I ask every one of you to stroll with the Lord in an existence of partition from the world and to keep everlasting qualities in see."
Graham's will goes ahead to talk about material things saying, "We have attempted to utilize our material endowments for the brilliance of God. However I should admit that we were constantly looked with a specific predicament concerning how high a way of life to keep up as workers of the Lord. We feel that we have kept up a legitimate adjust throughout the years.
"Regardless of whether I have taken care of things appropriately or not, we should anticipate the judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ when all things will be uncovered. I have done my best before the Lord and I believe in every one of you that you will consider that you are just trustees of what I have cleared out."
He shuts this part with a direction for 10% of what is left in his domain to "go the Lord's work."
Church Leaders reports that he additionally sets aside some opportunity to discuss his better half, Ruth.
"Due to Christ, your mom and I delighted in a magnificent, exciting, and upbeat coexistence. I need to express gratitude toward her for her times of dedication, love, dependability, and forfeit. Of the considerable number of individuals I have ever known, she was the best Christian," he announces.
The mainstream evangelist passed away calmly on February 21, 2018.
As indicated by Mark DeMoss, a representative for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, "It was portrayed by medical caretaker and specialist as an extremely quiet passing. He was in no agony, and he wouldn't have endured any."
His own doctor, Lucian Rice of Asheville includes that "he just destroyed," in the wake of agony from vision, hearing misfortune, Parkinson's-like side effects analyzed about 20 years prior.
He was grieved by everybody including US presidents from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump. His entombment on March 2, drew enormous group from everywhere.
Graham's passing brought about an admission from Benny Hinn, who confessed to running too far with thriving gospel.
He is made due by his previous life partner, Ruth Graham, youngsters named Franklin Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, Gigi Graham, Ned Graham, Ruth Graham, and heaps of grandkids.
What is the meaning of Genesis 19 : 26
There were five urban communities of the plain (Genesis 14 : 2,8). Sodom is given more consideration since it was the main city and where Lot had settled. What is said concerning the wickedness of Sodom likewise connected to alternate urban areas.
The brilliant detachments cautioned Lot of the looming demolition of Sodom and asked him to address his family. Tolerating the message himself, Lot start inducing others. He took a chance with his life by going out around evening time to encourage his children in law to escape yet they would not tune in. They thought he was kidding. Anyway, when morning unfolded, the time was everything except over. However, in those last minutes, the tolerant Lord grabbed the reluctant Lot, his significant other and little girls, and brought them out of the city himself (19 : 15 - 16).
At the point when the discipline came it was quick and horrendous (19 : 24 - 25). God drizzled, not high temp water, but rather brimstone and fire (consuming sulfur). So fantastic and finish was the obliteration, that it is every now and again specified in the book of scriptures as a notice, particularly of the end-time judgment ( Deuteronomy 29 : 23, Ezekiel 38 : 22, Luke 17 ; 28 - 30, 2 Peter 2 : 6, and Jude 7). While the immense surge addresses us of a future world judgment, the demolition of Sodom and Gomorrah show us that the future judgment will be by flame ( see Psalm 11 : 6).
Be that as it may, now, getting to your inquiry:
Covered some place in the Dead Sea locale lie the remaining parts of the urban areas of the plain including Sodom and Gomorrah. It is a most bizarre and uncanny place, a landmark on the off chance that you will to God's judgment on human sin. The Dead Sea itself lies many feet underneath ocean level and is loaded with salt. At the southern end there is an extraordinary pile of salt 700 feet high and five miles in length, referred to in Arabic as the Mount of Sodom right up 'til today. Mainstays of salt additionally ascend starting from the earliest stage, there is the stench of sulfur vapor noticeable all around. God had transformed heaven into damnation ( see Genesis 13 : 10).
Parcel's significant other, who had been so honored by God, thus close to wellbeing, was gotten up to speed in the annihilation. Her activity in thinking back, was contrary to the order "don't look behind you or stay anyplace in the plain". The entire place would have been a hazardous situation (think about the drizzling down of sulfur fiery debris in a volcanic ejection). Jesus said "Recollect Lot's better half. Whoever tries to spare his life will lose it" (Luke 17 : 32 - 33). The issue with Lot's better half was that she was torn. She would not generally like to relinquish Sodom. She didn't 'trust and comply'. She attempted to hold tight to her life in Sodom, and lost her life in the colossal fire and turned into a mainstay of salt, which is very justifiable given her salty surroundings at the season of her end.
A mainstay of salt named "parts spouse" is in reality still situated close to the Dead Sea at Mount Sodom in Israel (this depends on human convention). The Jewish history specialist Josephus asserted to have seen the mainstay of salt which was Lot's better half. Its reality is likewise verified by the early church fathers Clement of Rome and Irenaeus. The Islamic Quran (Koran), additionally has much to say in regards to the subject of Lot's better half transforming into a mainstay of salt at Mount Sodom.
The brilliant detachments cautioned Lot of the looming demolition of Sodom and asked him to address his family. Tolerating the message himself, Lot start inducing others. He took a chance with his life by going out around evening time to encourage his children in law to escape yet they would not tune in. They thought he was kidding. Anyway, when morning unfolded, the time was everything except over. However, in those last minutes, the tolerant Lord grabbed the reluctant Lot, his significant other and little girls, and brought them out of the city himself (19 : 15 - 16).
At the point when the discipline came it was quick and horrendous (19 : 24 - 25). God drizzled, not high temp water, but rather brimstone and fire (consuming sulfur). So fantastic and finish was the obliteration, that it is every now and again specified in the book of scriptures as a notice, particularly of the end-time judgment ( Deuteronomy 29 : 23, Ezekiel 38 : 22, Luke 17 ; 28 - 30, 2 Peter 2 : 6, and Jude 7). While the immense surge addresses us of a future world judgment, the demolition of Sodom and Gomorrah show us that the future judgment will be by flame ( see Psalm 11 : 6).
Be that as it may, now, getting to your inquiry:
Covered some place in the Dead Sea locale lie the remaining parts of the urban areas of the plain including Sodom and Gomorrah. It is a most bizarre and uncanny place, a landmark on the off chance that you will to God's judgment on human sin. The Dead Sea itself lies many feet underneath ocean level and is loaded with salt. At the southern end there is an extraordinary pile of salt 700 feet high and five miles in length, referred to in Arabic as the Mount of Sodom right up 'til today. Mainstays of salt additionally ascend starting from the earliest stage, there is the stench of sulfur vapor noticeable all around. God had transformed heaven into damnation ( see Genesis 13 : 10).
Parcel's significant other, who had been so honored by God, thus close to wellbeing, was gotten up to speed in the annihilation. Her activity in thinking back, was contrary to the order "don't look behind you or stay anyplace in the plain". The entire place would have been a hazardous situation (think about the drizzling down of sulfur fiery debris in a volcanic ejection). Jesus said "Recollect Lot's better half. Whoever tries to spare his life will lose it" (Luke 17 : 32 - 33). The issue with Lot's better half was that she was torn. She would not generally like to relinquish Sodom. She didn't 'trust and comply'. She attempted to hold tight to her life in Sodom, and lost her life in the colossal fire and turned into a mainstay of salt, which is very justifiable given her salty surroundings at the season of her end.
A mainstay of salt named "parts spouse" is in reality still situated close to the Dead Sea at Mount Sodom in Israel (this depends on human convention). The Jewish history specialist Josephus asserted to have seen the mainstay of salt which was Lot's better half. Its reality is likewise verified by the early church fathers Clement of Rome and Irenaeus. The Islamic Quran (Koran), additionally has much to say in regards to the subject of Lot's better half transforming into a mainstay of salt at Mount Sodom.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Urine colours and what they mean
A bundle of things in your body, similar to pharmaceuticals, sustenances, and sicknesses, can influence how your pee turns out.
It might have an assortment of hues, it more often than not runs from profound golden or nectar shading to light straw shading with brilliant varieties in the middle.
The shade of pee can reveal to you a ton about your body.
In the event that everything is ordinary and sound, the shading ought to be a light yellow to gold.
Here is a rundown of the pee hues and what they mean as compiled by iconixs.blogspot.com.ng
1. Transparent or no colour
You have been drinking a considerable measure of water and may need to eliminate it.
2. Light yellow.
You are typical, sound and all around hydrated.
3. Transparent Yellow.
You are typical(normal)
4.Dark Yellow
You are typical yet may need to drink some water soon.
5. Earthy yellow
Indication of drying out or a conceivable indication of liver infection.
6. Pinkish red
On the off chance that you haven't eaten nourishments like carrots, blackberries or beetroots then this could be a conceivable indication of Kidney ailment or, Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) or a tumor.
7. Blue or Green
These are presumably because of colors in your sustenance or meds you've taken. Conceivable indication of uncommon hereditary malady if the shading doesn't leave before long.
8. Frothy
Regardless of what shading it is, you should check in with your specialist in the event that it reliably looks frothy and foamy. It might be a sign you have protein in your pee, which may mean you have a kidney infection.
It might have an assortment of hues, it more often than not runs from profound golden or nectar shading to light straw shading with brilliant varieties in the middle.
The shade of pee can reveal to you a ton about your body.
In the event that everything is ordinary and sound, the shading ought to be a light yellow to gold.
Here is a rundown of the pee hues and what they mean as compiled by iconixs.blogspot.com.ng
1. Transparent or no colour
You have been drinking a considerable measure of water and may need to eliminate it.
2. Light yellow.
You are typical, sound and all around hydrated.
3. Transparent Yellow.
You are typical(normal)
4.Dark Yellow
You are typical yet may need to drink some water soon.
5. Earthy yellow
Indication of drying out or a conceivable indication of liver infection.
6. Pinkish red
On the off chance that you haven't eaten nourishments like carrots, blackberries or beetroots then this could be a conceivable indication of Kidney ailment or, Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) or a tumor.
7. Blue or Green
These are presumably because of colors in your sustenance or meds you've taken. Conceivable indication of uncommon hereditary malady if the shading doesn't leave before long.
8. Frothy
Regardless of what shading it is, you should check in with your specialist in the event that it reliably looks frothy and foamy. It might be a sign you have protein in your pee, which may mean you have a kidney infection.
OMG! The image of Jesus in a stone at Ibadan, how on earth did it get there?
As indicated by an online report, a valuable stone with the picture of "Jesus Christ" was found at Alagbaa, Wofun territory of Ibadan, Oyo state.
An Ibadan based radio station, Sprinkle FM shared the photo of the said stone as it was likewise assembled from online clients who affirmed the report that where the stone is – has been swung to a visitor focus – with individuals assembling in their numbers to see with their own eyes.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
10 Bible verses to read when you need divine help
In life, there are ups and down but God is always there to help us. Here are Bible verses to refer to when you are physically and emotionally down.
1) Jeremiah 17:14
2) Proverb 4:20-22
3) Isaiah 53:5
4) Psalm 34:19
5) Psalm 147:2
6) Exodus 15:26
7) Jeremiah 30:17
8) James 5:16
9) Deuteronomy 7:15
10) 2 Chronicles 7: 14
Read any of this verse and back it up with prayer. Importantly, have faith. That's the secret. You attract what you think!
1) Jeremiah 17:14
2) Proverb 4:20-22
3) Isaiah 53:5
4) Psalm 34:19
5) Psalm 147:2
6) Exodus 15:26
7) Jeremiah 30:17
8) James 5:16
9) Deuteronomy 7:15
10) 2 Chronicles 7: 14
Read any of this verse and back it up with prayer. Importantly, have faith. That's the secret. You attract what you think!
Monday, May 21, 2018
Bishop Michael Bruce Curry sermon during the Royal wedding (transcribed version)
"The Power of Love" sermon:
What's more, now for the sake of our cherishing, freeing and nurturing God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So be it.
From the Song of Solomon in the Bible: Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for adoration is solid as death, enthusiasm wild as the grave. Its flashes will be flashes of flame, a furious fire. Numerous waters can't extinguish love, neither can surges suffocate it.
The late Dr Martin Luther King Jr once stated, and I quote: "We should find the energy of affection, the redemptive energy of adoration. Also, when we do that, we will make of this old world another world, for affection is the main way."
There's energy in adoration. Try not to think little of it. Try not to even finished sentimentalize it. There's energy, control in affection.
On the off chance that you don't trust me, consider a period when you first began to look all starry eyed at. The entire world appeared to base on you and your darling.
Gracious there's energy, control in adoration. Not simply in its sentimental structures, but rather any frame, any state of adoration. There's a sure sense in which when you are cherished, and you know it, when somebody looks after you, and you know it, when you adore and you demonstrate it - it really feels right.
There is something appropriate about it. What's more, there's a purpose behind it. The reason needs to do with the source. We were made by an energy of adoration, and our lives were implied - and are implied - to be lived in that affection. That is the reason we are here.
At last, the wellspring of adoration is God himself: the wellspring of the greater part of our lives. There's an old medieval sonnet that says: 'Where intimate romance is discovered, God himself is there.
The New Testament says it along these lines: "Darling, let us adore each other, in light of the fact that adoration is of God, and the individuals love's identity conceived of God and know God. The individuals who don't love don't know God. Why? For God is love."
There's energy in affection. There's energy in affection to help and mend when nothing else can.
There's energy in adoration to lift up and free when nothing else will.
There's energy in adoration to demonstrate to us the best approach to live.
Set me as a seal on your heart... a seal on your arm, for adoration is as solid as death.
Be that as it may, love isn't just about a youthful couple. Presently the energy of affection is exhibited by the way that we're all here. Two youngsters began to look all starry eyed at, and we as a whole appeared.
Be that as it may, it's not only for and about a youthful couple, who we cheer with. It's more than that.
Jesus of Nazareth on one event was requested that by a legal counselor whole up the substance of the lessons of Moses, and he backpedaled and he came to once more into the Hebrew sacred writings, to Deuteronomy and Leviticus, and Jesus stated: "You should love the Lord your God with everything that is in you, your entire being, all your psyche and your entire existence. This is the first and extraordinary precept. What's more, the second resembles it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
And after that in Matthew's rendition, he included, he stated: "On these two, love of God and love of neighbor, hang all the law, every one of the prophets, everything that Moses composed, everything in the heavenly prophets, everything in the sacred writings, everything that God has been attempting to tell the world ... adore God, cherish your neighbors, and keeping in mind that you're busy, love yourself."
Somebody once said that Jesus started the most progressive development in mankind's history.
A development grounded in the unlimited love of God for the world - and a development ordering individuals to experience that affection, and in this manner to change their lives as well as the very existence of the world itself.
I'm discussing power. Genuine power. Energy to change the world.
On the off chance that you don't trust me, well, there were some old slaves in America's Antebellum South who clarified the dynamic energy of affection and why it has the ability to change.
"They clarified it thusly. They sang an otherworldly, even amidst their imprisonment. It's one that says 'There is an analgesic in Gilead...' a mending ointment, something that can make things right.
"'There is an analgesic in Gilead to make the injured entire, there is a demulcent in Gilead to recuperate the transgression wiped out soul.'
"What's more, one of the stanzas really clarifies why. They stated: 'In the event that you can't lecture like Peter, and you can't ask like Paul, you simply tell the affection for Jesus, how he passed on to spare every one of us."'
"Goodness, that is the emollient in Gilead! Thusly of adoration, it is the lifestyle. They got it. He kicked the bucket to spare all of us.
"He didn't kick the bucket for anything he could receive in return. Jesus did not get a privileged doctorate for kicking the bucket. He didn't... he wasn't receiving anything in return. He surrendered his life, he yielded his life, for the benefit of other people, for the benefit of the other, for the prosperity of the world... for us.
That is the thing that adoration is. Love isn't narrow minded and egotistical. Love can be conciliatory, and in this manner, ends up redemptive. Also, that method for unselfish, conciliatory, redemptive love changes lives, and it can change this world.
"On the off chance that you don't trust me, simply stop and envision. Think and envision a reality where adore is the way."
Envision our homes and families where cherish is the way. Envision neighborhoods and groups where adore is the way.
Envision governments and countries where adore is the way. Envision business and trade where this adoration is the way.
Envision this worn out old existence where adore is the way. At the point when cherish is the way - unselfish, conciliatory, redemptive.
At the point when cherish is the way, at that point no tyke will go to bed hungry in this world until the end of time.
At the point when cherish is the way, we will give equity a chance to move down like a powerful stream and nobility like a consistently streaming rivulet.
At the point when cherish is the way, destitution will move toward becoming history. At the point when adore is the way, the earth will be an asylum.
At the point when adore is the way, we will set out our swords and shields, around the riverside, to examine war no more.
At the point when cherish is the route, there's bounty great room - bounty great room - for the majority of God's youngsters.
"Since when adore is the way, we really treat each other, well... like we are quite.
At the point when cherish is the way, we realize that God is the wellspring of every one of us, and we are siblings and sisters, offspring of God.
My siblings and sisters, that is another paradise, another earth, another world, another human family.
What's more, given me a chance to reveal to you something, old Solomon was right in the Old Testament: that is fire.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - and with this I will take a seat, we gotta get all of you wedded - French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was seemingly one of the colossal personalities, awesome spirits of the twentieth century.
Jesuit, Roman Catholic minister, researcher, a researcher, a spiritualist.
In a portion of his compositions, he stated, from his logical foundation and his religious one, in a portion of his works he said - as others have - that the disclosure, or innovation, or saddling of flame was one of the colossal logical and mechanical revelations in all of mankind's history.
Fire, all things considered, made human development conceivable. Fire made it conceivable to cook sustenance and to give clean methods for eating which diminished the spread of sickness in now is the ideal time.
Fire made it conceivable to warm situations and subsequently made human relocation around the globe a plausibility, even into colder atmospheres.
Fire made it conceivable - there was no Bronze Age without flame, no Iron Age without flame, no Industrial Revolution without flame.
The advances of flame and innovation are significantly reliant on the human capacity and ability to take fire and utilize it for human great.
Anyone arrive in an auto today? A vehicle? Gesture your heads in the event that you did - I know there were a few carriages. Be that as it may, those of us who came in autos, fire - the controlled, saddled fire - made that conceivable.
I realize that the Bible says, and I trust it, that Jesus strolled on the water. In any case, I need to let you know, I didn't stroll over the Atlantic Ocean to arrive.
Controlled fire in that plane got me here. Fire makes it feasible for us to content and tweet and email and Instagram and Facebook and socially be broken with each other.
Fire makes the majority of that conceivable, and de Chardin said fire was one of the best revelations in all of mankind's history.
Furthermore, he at that point went ahead to state that if mankind ever tackles the vitality of flame again, if humankind ever catches the vitality of adoration - it will be the second time in history that we have found fire.
Dr King was correct: we should find love - the redemptive energy of adoration. Also, when we do that, we will make of this old world, another world.
My sibling, my sister, God cherish you, God favor you, and may God hold all of us in those god-like hands of adoration.
What's more, now for the sake of our cherishing, freeing and nurturing God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So be it.
From the Song of Solomon in the Bible: Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for adoration is solid as death, enthusiasm wild as the grave. Its flashes will be flashes of flame, a furious fire. Numerous waters can't extinguish love, neither can surges suffocate it.
The late Dr Martin Luther King Jr once stated, and I quote: "We should find the energy of affection, the redemptive energy of adoration. Also, when we do that, we will make of this old world another world, for affection is the main way."
There's energy in adoration. Try not to think little of it. Try not to even finished sentimentalize it. There's energy, control in affection.
On the off chance that you don't trust me, consider a period when you first began to look all starry eyed at. The entire world appeared to base on you and your darling.
Gracious there's energy, control in adoration. Not simply in its sentimental structures, but rather any frame, any state of adoration. There's a sure sense in which when you are cherished, and you know it, when somebody looks after you, and you know it, when you adore and you demonstrate it - it really feels right.
There is something appropriate about it. What's more, there's a purpose behind it. The reason needs to do with the source. We were made by an energy of adoration, and our lives were implied - and are implied - to be lived in that affection. That is the reason we are here.
At last, the wellspring of adoration is God himself: the wellspring of the greater part of our lives. There's an old medieval sonnet that says: 'Where intimate romance is discovered, God himself is there.
The New Testament says it along these lines: "Darling, let us adore each other, in light of the fact that adoration is of God, and the individuals love's identity conceived of God and know God. The individuals who don't love don't know God. Why? For God is love."
There's energy in affection. There's energy in affection to help and mend when nothing else can.
There's energy in adoration to lift up and free when nothing else will.
There's energy in adoration to demonstrate to us the best approach to live.
Set me as a seal on your heart... a seal on your arm, for adoration is as solid as death.
Be that as it may, love isn't just about a youthful couple. Presently the energy of affection is exhibited by the way that we're all here. Two youngsters began to look all starry eyed at, and we as a whole appeared.
Be that as it may, it's not only for and about a youthful couple, who we cheer with. It's more than that.
Jesus of Nazareth on one event was requested that by a legal counselor whole up the substance of the lessons of Moses, and he backpedaled and he came to once more into the Hebrew sacred writings, to Deuteronomy and Leviticus, and Jesus stated: "You should love the Lord your God with everything that is in you, your entire being, all your psyche and your entire existence. This is the first and extraordinary precept. What's more, the second resembles it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
And after that in Matthew's rendition, he included, he stated: "On these two, love of God and love of neighbor, hang all the law, every one of the prophets, everything that Moses composed, everything in the heavenly prophets, everything in the sacred writings, everything that God has been attempting to tell the world ... adore God, cherish your neighbors, and keeping in mind that you're busy, love yourself."
Somebody once said that Jesus started the most progressive development in mankind's history.
A development grounded in the unlimited love of God for the world - and a development ordering individuals to experience that affection, and in this manner to change their lives as well as the very existence of the world itself.
I'm discussing power. Genuine power. Energy to change the world.
On the off chance that you don't trust me, well, there were some old slaves in America's Antebellum South who clarified the dynamic energy of affection and why it has the ability to change.
"They clarified it thusly. They sang an otherworldly, even amidst their imprisonment. It's one that says 'There is an analgesic in Gilead...' a mending ointment, something that can make things right.
"'There is an analgesic in Gilead to make the injured entire, there is a demulcent in Gilead to recuperate the transgression wiped out soul.'
"What's more, one of the stanzas really clarifies why. They stated: 'In the event that you can't lecture like Peter, and you can't ask like Paul, you simply tell the affection for Jesus, how he passed on to spare every one of us."'
"Goodness, that is the emollient in Gilead! Thusly of adoration, it is the lifestyle. They got it. He kicked the bucket to spare all of us.
"He didn't kick the bucket for anything he could receive in return. Jesus did not get a privileged doctorate for kicking the bucket. He didn't... he wasn't receiving anything in return. He surrendered his life, he yielded his life, for the benefit of other people, for the benefit of the other, for the prosperity of the world... for us.
That is the thing that adoration is. Love isn't narrow minded and egotistical. Love can be conciliatory, and in this manner, ends up redemptive. Also, that method for unselfish, conciliatory, redemptive love changes lives, and it can change this world.
"On the off chance that you don't trust me, simply stop and envision. Think and envision a reality where adore is the way."
Envision our homes and families where cherish is the way. Envision neighborhoods and groups where adore is the way.
Envision governments and countries where adore is the way. Envision business and trade where this adoration is the way.
Envision this worn out old existence where adore is the way. At the point when cherish is the way - unselfish, conciliatory, redemptive.
At the point when cherish is the way, at that point no tyke will go to bed hungry in this world until the end of time.
At the point when cherish is the way, we will give equity a chance to move down like a powerful stream and nobility like a consistently streaming rivulet.
At the point when cherish is the way, destitution will move toward becoming history. At the point when adore is the way, the earth will be an asylum.
At the point when adore is the way, we will set out our swords and shields, around the riverside, to examine war no more.
At the point when cherish is the route, there's bounty great room - bounty great room - for the majority of God's youngsters.
"Since when adore is the way, we really treat each other, well... like we are quite.
At the point when cherish is the way, we realize that God is the wellspring of every one of us, and we are siblings and sisters, offspring of God.
My siblings and sisters, that is another paradise, another earth, another world, another human family.
What's more, given me a chance to reveal to you something, old Solomon was right in the Old Testament: that is fire.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - and with this I will take a seat, we gotta get all of you wedded - French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was seemingly one of the colossal personalities, awesome spirits of the twentieth century.
Jesuit, Roman Catholic minister, researcher, a researcher, a spiritualist.
In a portion of his compositions, he stated, from his logical foundation and his religious one, in a portion of his works he said - as others have - that the disclosure, or innovation, or saddling of flame was one of the colossal logical and mechanical revelations in all of mankind's history.
Fire, all things considered, made human development conceivable. Fire made it conceivable to cook sustenance and to give clean methods for eating which diminished the spread of sickness in now is the ideal time.
Fire made it conceivable to warm situations and subsequently made human relocation around the globe a plausibility, even into colder atmospheres.
Fire made it conceivable - there was no Bronze Age without flame, no Iron Age without flame, no Industrial Revolution without flame.
The advances of flame and innovation are significantly reliant on the human capacity and ability to take fire and utilize it for human great.
Anyone arrive in an auto today? A vehicle? Gesture your heads in the event that you did - I know there were a few carriages. Be that as it may, those of us who came in autos, fire - the controlled, saddled fire - made that conceivable.
I realize that the Bible says, and I trust it, that Jesus strolled on the water. In any case, I need to let you know, I didn't stroll over the Atlantic Ocean to arrive.
Controlled fire in that plane got me here. Fire makes it feasible for us to content and tweet and email and Instagram and Facebook and socially be broken with each other.
Fire makes the majority of that conceivable, and de Chardin said fire was one of the best revelations in all of mankind's history.
Furthermore, he at that point went ahead to state that if mankind ever tackles the vitality of flame again, if humankind ever catches the vitality of adoration - it will be the second time in history that we have found fire.
Dr King was correct: we should find love - the redemptive energy of adoration. Also, when we do that, we will make of this old world, another world.
My sibling, my sister, God cherish you, God favor you, and may God hold all of us in those god-like hands of adoration.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Thursday, May 17, 2018
From a letter to Arthur Greeves, 20 December 1943
The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruption of one's 'own',
Or 'real' life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one's real life
-the life God is sending one day by day: what one calls one's 'real life' is a phantom of one's own imagination.
The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruption of one's 'own',
Or 'real' life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one's real life
-the life God is sending one day by day: what one calls one's 'real life' is a phantom of one's own imagination.
Genesis 3:12
And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me,
She gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Lesson: Adam blamed his wife - disharmony begins
And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me,
She gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Lesson: Adam blamed his wife - disharmony begins
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Today's motivation From C.S. Lewis journal
From mere Christianity
Whenever we find that our religious life is making us feel that we are good-above all,
That we are better than someone else- I think we may be sure that we are being acted
On, not by God but by the devil. The real test of being in the presence of God is, that
You either forget about yourself altogether or see yourself as a small, dirty object.
It is better to forget about yourself altogether.
Whenever we find that our religious life is making us feel that we are good-above all,
That we are better than someone else- I think we may be sure that we are being acted
On, not by God but by the devil. The real test of being in the presence of God is, that
You either forget about yourself altogether or see yourself as a small, dirty object.
It is better to forget about yourself altogether.
Genesis 3:9-13
9 And the LORD God called into Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked;
And I hid myself.
11 And HE said, who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, where-
Of I commanded thee that thou should eat not eat?
12 And the man said, the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the
Tree, and I did eat.
13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? And the
Woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
References: 2Co. 11:3;1Ti. 2:14
Lesson: Man broke God's commandment
9 And the LORD God called into Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked;
And I hid myself.
11 And HE said, who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, where-
Of I commanded thee that thou should eat not eat?
12 And the man said, the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the
Tree, and I did eat.
13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? And the
Woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
References: 2Co. 11:3;1Ti. 2:14
Lesson: Man broke God's commandment
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Motivation from the C.S. Lewis Journal
From letters to Malcolm : Chiefly on Prayer
What do I do next?
I come back to St. John : 'If our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart'. And equally , 'if our heart flatters us, God is greater than our heart'. I sometimes pray not for self knowledge in general but for just so much self-knowledge at the moment as I can bear and use at the moment; the little daily dose.
What do I do next?
I come back to St. John : 'If our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart'. And equally , 'if our heart flatters us, God is greater than our heart'. I sometimes pray not for self knowledge in general but for just so much self-knowledge at the moment as I can bear and use at the moment; the little daily dose.
8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day:
And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the
Tree of the garden.
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?
References: Dt. 23:14, Job. 31:33; Ps.139:7-12,Jer. 23:24
Lesson: man in fellowship with his creator.
8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day:
And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the
Tree of the garden.
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?
References: Dt. 23:14, Job. 31:33; Ps.139:7-12,Jer. 23:24
Lesson: man in fellowship with his creator.
Motivation from the c.s. Lewis journal
From letters to Malcolm : chiefly on prayer
Hiding in plain sight
We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God.
The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.
And the incognito is not always hard to penetrate. The real labour
Is to remember, to attend. In fact,to come awake. Still more, to
Remain awake.
Hiding in plain sight
We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God.
The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.
And the incognito is not always hard to penetrate. The real labour
Is to remember, to attend. In fact,to come awake. Still more, to
Remain awake.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Genesis 2:8
And the LORD GOD planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
Reference : (Ge. 3:22,24;Isa.51:3)
Lesson: Man and God's provisions
And the LORD GOD planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
Reference : (Ge. 3:22,24;Isa.51:3)
Lesson: Man and God's provisions
Sunday, May 13, 2018
And they said,we saw certainly that the LORD was with thee: and we said, let there be now an oath betwixt us, even betxixt us and thee, and let us make a convenient with thee.
And they said,we saw certainly that the LORD was with thee: and we said, let there be now an oath betwixt us, even betxixt us and thee, and let us make a convenient with thee.
The dispensation of law began with the giving of the law by God to Moses at mount Sinai to the time when the law was fulfilled when Jesus was born, died , resurrected and ascended to heaven(Exodus 20-Luke 24). Duration was about 1718 years
Reason for giving the law : to reveal the holiness of God,to prove the standard of righteousness by which man could judge their actions and behaviour, to prove to man that by the deeds of law , no flesh would be justified.
The Ten Commandments: Thier are actually about four hundred laws but compressed into 10 for our comprehension. This law guides our religious,social and moral life.(exo.19-35)
The responsibility given to Istreal was to keep all the laws(exo.9:3-8,jam.2:8-11)
Israel failed to keep and live by the law. They worshiped idols like gentile nations and the also rejected Jesus,they didn't believe in him. They faced judgement by being scattered among the gentile nation to suffer (Duet.28:63-66,II Kings 17,Ps.137,Mt.16:21,Gen.49:10)
The remnant of the southern kingdom, Judah which suffered in the hands of the Babylonians for seventy years were brought back to repossess thier land so the promised messiah could be born. Jesus was born during the dispensation of law. He suffered, died and used his blood as propitiation for the sins of mankind. He paved way for the New Testament which is the dispensation of grace Heb.9:15
We should not look at ourselves as being holy or perfect . We should clean our soul always so that our prayer may be answered , we shall decree a thing and it shall be established. (Job 22:23-28)
The dispensation of law began with the giving of the law by God to Moses at mount Sinai to the time when the law was fulfilled when Jesus was born, died , resurrected and ascended to heaven(Exodus 20-Luke 24). Duration was about 1718 years
Reason for giving the law : to reveal the holiness of God,to prove the standard of righteousness by which man could judge their actions and behaviour, to prove to man that by the deeds of law , no flesh would be justified.
The Ten Commandments: Thier are actually about four hundred laws but compressed into 10 for our comprehension. This law guides our religious,social and moral life.(exo.19-35)
The responsibility given to Istreal was to keep all the laws(exo.9:3-8,jam.2:8-11)
Israel failed to keep and live by the law. They worshiped idols like gentile nations and the also rejected Jesus,they didn't believe in him. They faced judgement by being scattered among the gentile nation to suffer (Duet.28:63-66,II Kings 17,Ps.137,Mt.16:21,Gen.49:10)
The remnant of the southern kingdom, Judah which suffered in the hands of the Babylonians for seventy years were brought back to repossess thier land so the promised messiah could be born. Jesus was born during the dispensation of law. He suffered, died and used his blood as propitiation for the sins of mankind. He paved way for the New Testament which is the dispensation of grace Heb.9:15
We should not look at ourselves as being holy or perfect . We should clean our soul always so that our prayer may be answered , we shall decree a thing and it shall be established. (Job 22:23-28)
Saturday, May 12, 2018
1 John 3:23-24
23 that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.
24 now he who keeps his commandments abide in him,and he in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the spirit whom he has given us.
23 that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.
24 now he who keeps his commandments abide in him,and he in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the spirit whom he has given us.
QURAN DAILY VERSE (Sunday,13th may,2018)
Quran 33:5
Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allah. But if you know not their father's (names, call them) your brothers in faith and Mawalikum (your freed slaves). And there is no sin on you if you make a mistake therein, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allah is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful.
Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allah. But if you know not their father's (names, call them) your brothers in faith and Mawalikum (your freed slaves). And there is no sin on you if you make a mistake therein, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allah is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful.
Friday, May 11, 2018
DAILY BIBLE WALK (inspiration from DAILY WALK)
Genesis 21:1-5
1 And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken.
2 For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.
3 And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac.
4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
5 And Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born unto him.
1 And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken.
2 For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.
3 And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac.
4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
5 And Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born unto him.
DAILY QURAN VERSE (Saturday,11th may,2018)
Quran 29:63
If you were to ask them: "Who sends down water (rain) from the sky, and gives life therewith to the earth after its death?" They will surely reply: "Allah." Say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah!" Nay! Most of them have no sense.
If you were to ask them: "Who sends down water (rain) from the sky, and gives life therewith to the earth after its death?" They will surely reply: "Allah." Say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah!" Nay! Most of them have no sense.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Mogboju mi soke(CAGCSW)
This is part of the ALAGBARA PIPE Album of the CAGSW oke-ope . This song is a song of prayer. Listen and be blessed.
Complicated-Dami ft Polska ft Icon
This song is about the complications of a girl who is stuck between the love of two best friends. Dami is a young Nigeria upcoming artiste featuring two of her colleagues , Icon and Polska. The song was made in just a day when they both meet at the studio. Let's check out what's up.
DAILY BIBLE WALK (inspiration from DAILY WALK) Thursday may 10th,2018
Acts 10: 17-22
17 Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate,
18 And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.
21 Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?
22 And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee.
17 Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate,
18 And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.
21 Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?
22 And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee.
QURAN DAILY VERSE (may 10th,2018)
Quran 6:151
Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to Al-Fawahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to Islamic law). This He has commanded you that you may understand.
What does loving someone really bring us?
Is is joy ? Happiness ? What?
Comment below and let's see
Is is joy ? Happiness ? What?
Comment below and let's see
DAILY BIBLE WALK(Inspiration from DAILY WALK) Wednesday 9th,2018
Acts 10:9-16
9 About noon the following day as they were on their Journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray.
10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, He fell into a trance.
11 He saw Heaven open and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds.
13 Then a voice told him, 'get up,Peter,kill and eat.'
14 'surely,not Lord!' Peter replied. 'I have never anything impure or unclean.'
15 The voice spoke to him a second time, 'do not call anything impure that God has made clean.'
16 This happened three times And immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.'
9 About noon the following day as they were on their Journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray.
10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, He fell into a trance.
11 He saw Heaven open and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds.
13 Then a voice told him, 'get up,Peter,kill and eat.'
14 'surely,not Lord!' Peter replied. 'I have never anything impure or unclean.'
15 The voice spoke to him a second time, 'do not call anything impure that God has made clean.'
16 This happened three times And immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.'
DAILY QURAN VERSE ( Wednesday 9th,2018)
(Quran 87:9-13)
Therefore remind (men) in case the reminder profits (them).The reminder will be received by him who fears (Allah),But it will be avoided by the wretched,Who will enter the great Fire and made to taste its burning,Wherein he will neither die (to be in rest) nor live (a good living).
Therefore remind (men) in case the reminder profits (them).The reminder will be received by him who fears (Allah),But it will be avoided by the wretched,Who will enter the great Fire and made to taste its burning,Wherein he will neither die (to be in rest) nor live (a good living).
Monday, May 7, 2018
How we actually start our day matters a lot . Our day starts immediately we open our eyes to this side. What's the first thing that actually strike our mind? What's our feeling about the day ? When we wake up In the morning ,the first thing we should do is to be thankful for waking up. some couldn't make it but you did,it signifies a new hope for you. You should be thankful for those things you achieved the day before and importantly the ones you were unable to achieve believing you'll achieve them today. It doesn't really matter what side of the bed we woke up from(right or wrong), all we need to do is not to let that affect our emotions and feelings in the morning because whatever we start with,is what we are going to end with. If you wake up sad, sing a beautiful song that you like and turn up to change that mood so that you can have a lovely day. Set your goals for the day,be focused and you'll find out that your day will be a perfect one.
Well! well!! well!!! a lot of us might have been thinking about how to get things that we really want. Congratulations! Here's the secret
Firstly you need to know that you are a god,Because you can make anything happen .
Now, how do we go about attracting this things we want
We need to understand that there's a law of universe called the law of attraction. This law simply means that "you attract what you think" . To get anything, you need to first ask for it. Yes,you're asking the universe. How do you ask the universe? By thinking about it, focusing on it. The universe cannot hear you when you speak but it can hear what you think and that's what it help you do. It's like the genie in Aladdin, it says "your wish,is my command " . That is 'any wish'. The problem here is that there are a lot of things going on in our mind that we may not be able to control our thoughts. The best ways to do this is by excercising, listening to music (like classical music for concentration or sounds of nature) and also being positive(Thinking positive and being optimistic about things). The universe don't care what you are thinking if it's negative or positive. It'll give you what you dwell on. When you ask in your mind Play music, be happy,imagine it and don't try thinking about how it'll happen, just have faith.
You need to put your focus and energy on what you want and stop thinking or talking about what you don't want. Stop existing! Start living! Start attracting whatever you want, the money,the girls,the relationships,anything you want, you'll have it.
Firstly you need to know that you are a god,Because you can make anything happen .
Now, how do we go about attracting this things we want
We need to understand that there's a law of universe called the law of attraction. This law simply means that "you attract what you think" . To get anything, you need to first ask for it. Yes,you're asking the universe. How do you ask the universe? By thinking about it, focusing on it. The universe cannot hear you when you speak but it can hear what you think and that's what it help you do. It's like the genie in Aladdin, it says "your wish,is my command " . That is 'any wish'. The problem here is that there are a lot of things going on in our mind that we may not be able to control our thoughts. The best ways to do this is by excercising, listening to music (like classical music for concentration or sounds of nature) and also being positive(Thinking positive and being optimistic about things). The universe don't care what you are thinking if it's negative or positive. It'll give you what you dwell on. When you ask in your mind Play music, be happy,imagine it and don't try thinking about how it'll happen, just have faith.
You need to put your focus and energy on what you want and stop thinking or talking about what you don't want. Stop existing! Start living! Start attracting whatever you want, the money,the girls,the relationships,anything you want, you'll have it.
Why? Why do we pretend to be deaf to the cries of thousands ?
Why do we act blind when we see our brethren suffer ?
Why do the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer ?
As it ever occurred to us that we are the answers
to the cries of these people?
Why do we still want to extort the less privileged ?
The Yoruba people call it "agbalowomeri"
Meaning "collecting from someone who doesn't have at all when you have enough"
Ahba! This is the society we live in
We want fast money,fast cars, everything fast
Not thinking about the last days
We live so fast that we can't even afford to press brake
Else, our life will summersult
But at the end, there's still going to be an accident, a fatal one!
Why not let's run patiently and steady
Remember "The slow and steady wins the race"
I am the light, you are the light!
Yes you! You reading this
Let your light so shine
A man who would change the world will first change himself
Then his house,next his community
That's how we start it!
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