Thursday, May 31, 2018

Where was the land that King David and King Solomon ruled, and who occupies it now

David ruled inside what today is known as Israel (excluding Gaza), Jordan, lebanon, and parts of Syria.

Sollomon ruled a similar territory and had immense exchanging courses of action with numerous nations including china.

There is critical proof of this, not minimum of which are the stone bulletins on graves in china hireling of Sollomon Son of David inside the detached group of Jews in China who went there amid Sollomon's lifetime

A few people here, because of predisposition have expressed that they are mythos.

Anyway that is specific archaic exploration since all say of their reality from Jewish or Israeli sources are reduced as legends.

That is on the grounds that the very say of David Sollomon, or any scriptural person(s) prohibits it as confirmation inside such a system. This is genuine despite the fact that there exists a Jerusalem, City of David, Beit Lehem, different graves of prophets, the mass of Hezekiah and so forth..

The story of King David and Sollomon being legends is a hostile to semitic creation and is sustained for the most part by the individuals who don't need it to be some other way.

They don't search out the appropriate response in their examination, but instead they just look for what fits with their self-made story.

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