Sunday, May 13, 2018



  The dispensation of law began with the giving of the law by God to Moses at mount Sinai to the time when the law was fulfilled when Jesus was born, died , resurrected and ascended to heaven(Exodus 20-Luke 24). Duration was about 1718 years
    Reason for giving the law : to reveal the holiness of God,to prove the standard of righteousness by which man could judge their actions and behaviour, to prove to man that  by the deeds of law , no flesh would be justified.
     The Ten Commandments: Thier are actually about four hundred laws but compressed into 10 for our comprehension. This law guides our religious,social and moral life.(exo.19-35)
        The responsibility given to Istreal was to keep all the laws(exo.9:3-8,jam.2:8-11)
       Israel failed to keep and live by the law. They worshiped idols like gentile nations and the also rejected Jesus,they didn't believe in him. They faced judgement by being scattered among the gentile nation to suffer (Duet.28:63-66,II Kings 17,Ps.137,Mt.16:21,Gen.49:10)
        The remnant of the southern kingdom, Judah which suffered in the hands of the Babylonians for seventy years were brought back to repossess thier land so the promised messiah could be born. Jesus was born during the dispensation of law. He suffered, died and used his blood as propitiation for the sins of mankind. He paved way for the New Testament which is the dispensation of grace Heb.9:15

We should not look at ourselves as being holy or perfect . We should clean our soul always so that our prayer may be answered , we shall decree a thing and it shall be established. (Job 22:23-28)

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