Well! well!! well!!! a lot of us might have been thinking about how to get things that we really want. Congratulations! Here's the secret
Firstly you need to know that you are a god,Because you can make anything happen .
Now, how do we go about attracting this things we want
We need to understand that there's a law of universe called the law of attraction. This law simply means that "you attract what you think" . To get anything, you need to first ask for it. Yes,you're asking the universe. How do you ask the universe? By thinking about it, focusing on it. The universe cannot hear you when you speak but it can hear what you think and that's what it help you do. It's like the genie in Aladdin, it says "your wish,is my command " . That is 'any wish'. The problem here is that there are a lot of things going on in our mind that we may not be able to control our thoughts. The best ways to do this is by excercising, listening to music (like classical music for concentration or sounds of nature) and also being positive(Thinking positive and being optimistic about things). The universe don't care what you are thinking if it's negative or positive. It'll give you what you dwell on. When you ask in your mind Play music, be happy,imagine it and don't try thinking about how it'll happen, just have faith.
You need to put your focus and energy on what you want and stop thinking or talking about what you don't want. Stop existing! Start living! Start attracting whatever you want, the money,the girls,the relationships,anything you want, you'll have it.
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