Friday, June 22, 2018

This Is Nigeria: Check Out How The Real Nigeria Looks In 3-D!

So imagine being bored. Being so bored and I decided to go out for a city drive. Just to "see the real Nigeria" in its actual state, real without any camouflage or pretense we put on as if Nigeria is actually a country with a planned setting. So let's chek how the real Nigeria looks in3-D, 3 dimensions.
The first thing I noticed as we drove into the real Nigerian town, the downtown side, was the "miracle center" prayer churches, colored by the rich ricochet of voices and the reverberating host of musical instrumants. The siging and praying that occasioned the the "miracle session" was in full mode and I couldn't help feeling lost in this. What is with this environmental pollution that comes from this fake churches (no offense but I simply mean all this fake churches and hungry pastors)? Can't these churches install a sound proof system; or at best try to reduce their noise?
As I drove further, I got caught in traffic. A typical Lagos traffic with the minor difference of the fact that I don't live in Lagos state. The traffic was occasioned by the fact that half of the road was the display stall for emergency traders and hustlers who sold articles ranging from kitchen utensils to newspapers, underwears and electric bulbs; all piled on the main road, some hawking and others on wooden stand and wheelbarrows, blasting out loud music from a small stereo player.

 So then, I started feeling nauseous. I got an instand headache. I got down from my car and started looking for the next pharmaceutical stor. I left all the 5 I went to. I left. Almost all our pharmaceutical stores sold much of biscuits, bread, drinks even homemade videos and little quantity of drugs. When did a pharmaceutical store turn to a one stop household retail outlet?
As I got back in and gradually eased out of traffic, I heard the loud siren, getting louder gradually. The state governor and his full convoy were passing in town and you need to see how many bullet proof, expensive  vehicles formed the convoy, probably escorting the governor and his stolen billions of naira. 
Most Nigerian politicians are only responsible only to their unbridled ambition for splendour and opulence, and not to the masses that voted them in.
Nigeria, We hail thee! Our Motherland we hail thee! So then, is it any wonder why Governor Ambode of Lagos state had to close down several churches, mosques and bars for violating the societal code of conduct and causing environmental pollution, demolish illegal road side stalls of traders and also close down several pharmaceutical stores for unethical practices? So what then can we do, to change Nigeria? Simple! Change is individualtistic and then societal. Change begins with me!
You can contact the writer of this article, Oluwasegunfunmi Icon: 08107916722 @ whatsapp and also read other interesting blog articles from #team Icon here.

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