When South Africa's most dedicated freedom fighter and anti-apartheid activist, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela died in 2013, what was tragically clear was that one of the most infulential political career dedicated to a life of servitude to mankind of an elder statesman and a prominent world leader has come to a fulfilled end.
Nelson Mandela is an household name, famous for his political and human right activism. Nelson Mandela though dead, continues to live in our mind because he left tracks in the sand of time. We are all familiar with his story; his political activism against apartheid(discrimination of the indigenous blacks is South Africa) and his subsequent imprisonement under the tyranical and draconial White dominated South African government then.
In Martin Luther King Jr's words "If a man has not discovered something he can die for, then he is not fit to live"; so also was this philosophy demonstrated by his resolve and determination to liberate the black South Africans; even at the expense of being imprisoned or killed at the Rivonia trial that sentenced him to life imprisonement, at the expense of his own liberty. Liberty and political liberation: this was Mandela's gift to the world!
So what is the deal? Africans, particularly Nigerians lack a good number of vision oriented and selfless leaders committed to the cause of the people that voted them into power, not any godfather. Nigerian leaders should emulate Nelson Mandela's life and aim higher at leaving deeper tracks in the sand of time, even beyond Mandela!
You can contact the writer of this article: OluwaSegunFunmi Icon, ( 08107916722@ Whatsapp and Ayomide Temitope on Facebook).
There are leaders and there are leaders. I only wish Nigeria had a new variety of a different kind!