Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Road To A Safer Future

Nigeria is the giant of Africa. Nigeria is great. Yes, great: this nation of multi ethnic groups with ernomous human resources and talented individuals in every field: academics, sports, entertainment and music. Nigeria is a nation gifted and endowed with abundant natural resources: oil, limestone, steel and iron ore among others. 
But did you know that Nigeria is also a nation of intactable sychopancies?, a nation on the brink of despondency? At independence, our founding fathers had big plans for this country. However, 58 years after independence, Nigeria is still tagged "a developing country", trailing behind her Asian counterparts i.e Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. These are countries that lack the essential mineral reources Nigeria possess; yet are more developed than Nigeria.
Recently, a reporter with a famous television station interviewed some children in urban ghettos in Lagos. She thought their greatest need was toys and the likes: she was swerved! These children wanted to attend schools and turn out literate Nigerians!
The only way to set Nigeria back on the path of sustained democracy for a safer future lies in priortizing intellectual education over mediocrity. In Mandela's words, ''education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world'' however, Nigeria has a nation, in recent times celebrate mediocrity. We have the Big brother Nigeria show in which winners are awarded millions of naira, while we have children from poor families hustling for and striving to be educated. We also need to strive for a nation free from the societal menances of bribery, corruption money laundering and other related offences and this lies in strenghtening EFCC, ICPC and other related agencies in the discharge of their constitutional duties. It is important at this juncture to give kudos to the judiciary for being unbiased in the trial and conviction of the ex-governors of Taraba and Plateau states for 14 years imprisonement each for financial crimes.
So what is the deal?  Repositioning Nigeria in all ramitifications is the surest road to a safer future.
You can contact the writer of this article: 08107916722 @ Whatsapp

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