Sunday, July 22, 2018

Again o! UNILORIN sets medicine cut off mark at 260, check out the post utme cut off mark for your preferred courses

University of Ilorin has started their pre admission screening registration. The cut off mark for the post utme has also been released. Check it out on the school portal below.


Candidates are to start registration immediately.
On the home page of the Unilorin portal, click on 2018/2019 Pre-Admission Screening Procedure .
All candidates are advised to click on 'Pre-Admission Screening Instructions' and carefully read the Instructions.
1. On the Admission Menu displayed on the left-hand side, click Pre-Admission Screening Instruction and read carefully.
2. Type in your JAMB Registration Number and SURNAME in the boxes provided. Carefully type in your JAMB Registration Number as any error committed will not allow your details to be displayed.
Actual Registration fee for each candidate is
N2,000 only excluding bank charges.
UTME candidates should click on the Get Details button for your JAMB information;
DE candidates should click OK button on the dialog box displayed and enter their names; and
Click on Make Payment link to go to Remita platfom. Note: UTME Candidates who are qualified for the courses originally chosen can proceed to make payment by supplying the required information. However, UTME Candidates who are not qualified for the course originally chosen are advised to change their course as indicated on the payment page. Note that the sum of N2,500 is charged for change of course for only those who need to.
3. Make Payment
Select your ATM card type (e.g Visa or Master Card)
Enter your Card Number
Enter Card Expiry Date and the card CVV2 (the 3 digits on the reverse side of the card and lastly enter your card pin; and
Then click on Pay.
Please note: ( Do not Refresh your browser while the process is going on to avoid multiple deductions from your account. If nothing is displayed after 10 minutes, close the browser and restart).
4. Upon successful payment, Login and click on
Continue Registration Link on the main menu.
5. Fill in your other bio-data and necessary details truthfully on the webpage. All candidates should upload their Passports by clicking on Browse button and select your picture. Your Passport must not be more than 25KB.
Acceptable format is JPEG.
Picture must be digital passport photograph.
Resolution must be at least 200 DPI.
Dimension should not be less than 600 × 600 pixels.
Each photograph should capture the head and top of the shoulders so that the face takes up to 70-80% of the photograph.
Show the eyes looking directly at the camera.
Show skin tone naturally.
Have a uniform red background.
Maximum of 25KB..
6. On completion of bio-data. click on Next Step button then click OK on the message dialog box.
7. All Direct Entry (DE ) candidates should complete the programme of choice and click on Save then click OK on the message dialog box.
8. On completion of choice of Institution click
Next Step button.
9. For Direct Entry ( DE ) candidates;
Direct Entry candidates are required to select their Highest Academic Qualification(s) from the drop down and click on Save . On the dialog box click OK;
To add more Higher Academic Qualifications click on qualifications drop down to select your additional qualifications, click on save; and
Click on Next Step.
10. All candidates (UTME and DE) are required to supply their O' level (O/L) details as follows:
Pick Number of sitting(s) by clicking on the drop-down button
Enter all the required O' level (O/L) details; Pick as applicable in your result; and
Click on Submit button then click OK on the message dialog box.
Falsification of result will lead to automatic disqualification at any stage.
11. Click Scheduling Tab. All candidates must select a screening centre from the drop-down menu. Note that an alert will be immediately sent to your e-mail provided in your bio-data.
12. Click Print Tab to print out the following:
Pre-Admission Screening Registration form;
Scheduling Slip; and
Payment Receipt.
Note: All candidates are expected to be at the screening centre an hour before their scheduled time with the above printouts and be decently dressed inline with the University of Ilorin Dress Code .

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Road To A Safer Future

Nigeria is the giant of Africa. Nigeria is great. Yes, great: this nation of multi ethnic groups with ernomous human resources and talented individuals in every field: academics, sports, entertainment and music. Nigeria is a nation gifted and endowed with abundant natural resources: oil, limestone, steel and iron ore among others. 
But did you know that Nigeria is also a nation of intactable sychopancies?, a nation on the brink of despondency? At independence, our founding fathers had big plans for this country. However, 58 years after independence, Nigeria is still tagged "a developing country", trailing behind her Asian counterparts i.e Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. These are countries that lack the essential mineral reources Nigeria possess; yet are more developed than Nigeria.
Recently, a reporter with a famous television station interviewed some children in urban ghettos in Lagos. She thought their greatest need was toys and the likes: she was swerved! These children wanted to attend schools and turn out literate Nigerians!
The only way to set Nigeria back on the path of sustained democracy for a safer future lies in priortizing intellectual education over mediocrity. In Mandela's words, ''education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world'' however, Nigeria has a nation, in recent times celebrate mediocrity. We have the Big brother Nigeria show in which winners are awarded millions of naira, while we have children from poor families hustling for and striving to be educated. We also need to strive for a nation free from the societal menances of bribery, corruption money laundering and other related offences and this lies in strenghtening EFCC, ICPC and other related agencies in the discharge of their constitutional duties. It is important at this juncture to give kudos to the judiciary for being unbiased in the trial and conviction of the ex-governors of Taraba and Plateau states for 14 years imprisonement each for financial crimes.
So what is the deal?  Repositioning Nigeria in all ramitifications is the surest road to a safer future.
You can contact the writer of this article: 08107916722 @ Whatsapp

What Ails Nigeria? Ethnic Diversity Is A Strenght

Recent happenings In Nigeria has firmly established the fact that an unofficial feud and contest for power; especially governmental domination is on-going in Nigeria, among the ethnic groups, particularly among the three major tribes: Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo.
So Nigeria is a federal state. Fiscal federalism in practice if you ask me: the North seeking political domination of Nigeria since, the Igbos clamouring for secession and the Yorubas always undecided, dithering between choices. As such, these three ethnic have found it difficult to work together as one. The Mid-West and North-East particularly Benue, Borno and Plateau states have been plauged by terrorist attacks and the newest of such attacks is the invasion by the Fulani herdsmen of some communities in Benue, Plateau, Ondo and others. These are herdsmen who will invade a farm, kill the farmers and their neighbours and feed their cattle with the crops on the farm. How many cattle can quantify the worth of a human life?
The Igbos on their part are not relenting since they lost the Biafran war of 1967 led by Col. Ojukwu against the Federal republic of Nigeria in the ultimate showdown: No Victor, No Vanquished. Since 1967, the Igbos have been clamouring for an Independent country and as such, have refused to believe they are Nigerians and working together with other tribes for the good of the country. The Igbos also claim that environmental degradation and ecological imbalance caused by oil spillage in the Niger-Delta area is one of the basis for secession. They are the "geese" that lays the "golden egg" which is fried and eaten by the big men in Abuja. It is tagged "National cake", just for the connected, greedy and corrupt few.
The Yorubas on their part are not united as an ethnic group, talkless of working with other ethnic groups. Frequent feud and beefs among traditional and political leaders is the order of the day. So what then ails Nigeria? Ethnic diversity? No! Ethnic diversity is a strenght!
So what is the deal? All ethnic groups in Nigeria should know and believe that Nigeria is bigger than any tribe no matter its demography or population. Nigeria comes first and as such, all ethnicgroups should cast aside all grievances and join hands together to move Nigeria forward. Change Nigeria. Change begins with me.

You can contact the writer of this article: 08107916722@ Whatsapp

Remebering 9ice's "Economy": Naira Has No Gender!

My grandmother is a woman in her late sixties. Smart and observant. So recently, we spent time analysing how the economy was in her youthful days and how it is presently in my own youthful age. Clearly, there is a huge dichotomy between the past and the present. Gone are those days when everything was so cheap. Now, even garri is gold.
You remember 9ice's economy? His hit single in which he lamented over the sorry state of Nigeria's economy occasioned by the flunctuation of naira against dollar in the exchange market and the government's feeble effort at reviving the economy?
So what is with the high cost of living in Nigeria? Our over dependence on crude oil is a major factor that has led to an exhorbitant rise in the cost of living. Gone are those days before oil was discovered in Olobiri, Delta state when agriculture was the main revenue generator for the country. Now, the falling price of crude oil in the world market occasioned by the development of other sources of power i.e solar energy has clearly shown the need for Nigeria to go back to agriculture and position the nation for self sufficiency. It is important to note that agriculture provides most raw materials for manufacturing industries and companies.
Nigeria is an import dependent country. Few things are being produced locally. Even rice which is the most consumed staple food in the country is being imported from Thailand. Nigeria has the green vegetation and abundant land that will massively support agriculture. If you travel along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway or any other expressway in Nigeria, you will be surprised to see a vast of uncultivated fertile land sprouting richly growing weeds.
So what is the deal? Nigerians should act on the call of diversification by the Federal government of the economy from import dependency and crude oil dependency to agriculture. When the economy is diversified, Nigerians will no longer suffer form the high cost of living as foodstuffs and other commodities will be available for purchase massively. Then the economy will attain the vibrant state it was before the discovery of crude oil.

You can contact the writer of this article: 08107916722 @ Whatsapp